Hungry For Happiness

Let's talk about insecurities…

We all have them, some just more overwhelming than others. Whether it's a physical appearance issue you can or can’t change or a personality thing, correct me if I'm wrong but I'm quite certain we all have at least one thing that we’re unhappy with. 

As a professional photographer I'm consistently meeting all sorts of wonderful people. I get the pleasure of meeting a stranger, spending a couple of hours with them and end a session with a new friend. 

Unfortunately I hear a lot of "I'm not photogenic, I'm ugly, you need to photoshop me, I'm fat, I'm not pretty" and the list goes on and on.... each of those phrases makes my heart crumble more and more each time. 

I will very shamefully admit that I have nipped and tucked photos of myself in the past and there was some sickening urge of self gratification from doing it. What’s worse is that that manipulated photo isn't 'me' and for whatever reason I went ahead and posted it. Someone who know’s me and is looking at that photo will probably know that is not what I looked like. Thinking back on that makes me shake my head for even considering doing that. But we all make mistakes, the beauty of life is to learn from your experiences and not to beat yourself up about them. In some twisted way I thought I looked awful when I didn't. I was exercising regularly and eating healthy but I made the mistake of comparing my body to magazine cover bodies who had been photoshopped to unrealistic expectations in which a lot of people are trying to achieve. ... chasing elusive 'perfection'. 

One of the many things the past three years of being a professional photographer has taught me is that the way a large majority of us views ourselves is extremely messed up. 

Sometimes when I hear people saying negative things about themselves, I wish that people saw themselves through my eyes. That they could see not only their beautiful features but how beautiful their souls are. I wish that we could all take every little insecurity we have and feed it with positive thoughts because as soon as that happens, we allow our true selves to shine. We see the real beauty and allow people to accept us for our authenticity... Of course that is much easier said than done.

If you're using an app to make yourself thinner, please STOP. Be and love your beautiful self! Because at the end of the day you know what you look like, you know how you feel, so don't let society tell you what’s beautiful and what isn’t, because YOU are beautiful, just the way you are. Do things that make you smile, keep you healthy and feeling confident. I believe by fuelling our bodies with healthy food and staying active is a recipe for feeling happy and that comparison is only a recipe for disaster.

I'm so excited to share one of my passion projects with everyone - "Game Changers". I find social media to sometimes be overwhelming with negativity or gossip so I wanted to highlight people who truly inspire me. Over the course of the next few months I will be interviewing people who I look up to and will be sharing their positive message. 

This week I sat down with Samantha Skelly, founder of "Hungry For Happiness". We talked about her journey with the relationship she had with food and loving her body.

Stay tuned for the launch of "Game Changers" and the full interview in tomorrows blog post. Samantha is definitely someone to look up to. Here is a sneak peak: 



If you're interested in Samantha's 6 month coaching program that takes women on a journey back to their bodies, you can sign up Here!

If you're curious in how over photoshopping bodies in images affects people, I recommend this great article from our friends over at Raw Beauty Talks: Here!  



Thanks for reading, sending loads of love.

Natalia xo


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Why New Years Resolutions aren’t for me.


There I was… a mind full of ideas, working on my computer, thinking about doing all these new things I'm wanting to do but procrastinating like crazy. I kept reassuring myself "I'll do that tomorrow”.

I went for a run (Where I get my best thinking done) and realized that sometimes I slip up and easily allow myself to get overwhelmed… I put off all of these great ideas, fresh beginnings and new hobbies till the next day when today is actually the perfect time to start! 

You know that feeling when you think of something genius. When your heart starts racing, a huge smile quickly creeps up on your face and you realize you’re not only onto something, but you’re all alone and smiling like an idiot? …I realized that THAT is the perfect time to start that ‘thing’. When the idea is fresh, exciting, invigorating and you feel your heart dancing around like a 5 year old kid to Pharell William’s - ‘Happy’. …Also because I find the more you start to "think" without acting on it, the more scary and "unrealistic" the idea may start to seem. Those negative thoughts start creeping in and begin to deter you and distract you from achieving that goal. 

If you’re like me, taking the first step is the hardest thing to do because we have these built up stories in our head of how tough it will be, we could fail, we could hate it, we could be judged, or we could get hurt. Where in reality most of these stories are created from our fears or insecurities and aren't actually real. Making excuses seems easier than starting, although I find that excuses are actually more draining and time consuming than taking the leap. 

I’ve always been intrigued by New Years Resolutions because years ago I used to have an abundance of them and found that they never worked for me. I’m not stating they don’t work, I’m sure they do for some and I admire those who accomplish them. 

I’ve read quite a few articles about why New Years Resolutions don’t work for many people and these were a few common reasons why:

    •    We don’t get started right away, but instead procrastinate

    •    We don’t do the hard work and aren’t willing to fail to actually achieve them

    •    We wish them to come true opposed to working towards them


Although I love and embrace the New Year with open arms and excitement, I personally don’t set New Years resolutions. Because I’m such a scatterbrain and take on too much at once, I find what works best for me is developing a system of setting goals throughout the year and holding myself accountable for them by my actions.

Here are 10 things I recommend that work for me in achieving my goals:

1. Write your daily, weekly, monthly, annual and long term goals on post it notes (or a white board) and put them in a spot where you’ll see them every single day. Jot down why that goal is important to you. I have mine posted in my bathroom where every morning and night when I brush my teeth, I read them over and visualize how amazing it’s going to feel when I achieve each one. I’m a big believer in manifestation.

2.  Research your goal. If you don’t know how to achieve it, look it up and you can always learn anything at the wonderful school of YouTube.

3.  Share your goals. Whether it be a conversation with a friend, new acquaintance or posting it on your Facebook wall. Put it out into the universe…People want to help you!

4. Mute that annoying little voice in your head every time any negative or discouraging thoughts creep up. 

5. Focus on the present and ask yourself, “What’s the one thing you can do today, right now, towards your goal?”

6. Alter your statements. Change the “I want to” to “I will”

7. Stop procrastinating. Write a daily ‘to do’ list in order of importance and allow yourself to focus on each one. If something pops up in your mind, add it to the list, don’t let yourself get distracted.

8. Don’t check your phone or open your computer until you’re out of bed and ready for your day. This prevents so much unnecessary wasted time on social media and allows more valuable time towards your day. Same goes for night time. Once you’re ready for bed, ditch the phone (this also prevents you from dropping your phone onto your face because your hands have gone numb from endless scrolling - speaking from experience... you’re welcome.)

9. Ask for help. The worst that could happen is you hear ‘no’. But taking a chance in asking could lead to a glorious opportunity.

10. Believe in yourself. (the most important one.) 


Most of us wait until Jan 1st to start tackling that endless list of goals. I am challenging you and I to start today! 


Sending loads of love, 

Natalia xo


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I'm coming home...

Well Asia... you've been the sweetest slice of heaven. 


I come from a place where I find myself constantly seeking new adventures, a place where change excites and inspires me while urging me to grow as a person. A place where loved ones are a quick phone call or visit away, a hug is easily accessible and a doctor is just a walk down the street. I've always appreciated the simple luxuries in life like toilet paper, a seated toilet, drinkable tap water, a hot shower, clean sheets and a simple opportunity... but now more so than ever.

If you follow me on social media, my 'highlight reel' has portrayed how glamorous and wonderful my life has been for the past 8 months. Depending on your definition of the two, at most times it certainly has been. The reality is, no matter what the circumstances are, we all have our amazing days and we all have tough days. I think a large percentage of it is controlled by our mind set and the rest are inevitable circumstances we’re forced to deal with on a daily basis. As much as it sometimes may seem like it, no one's life is perfect. I can graciously say that I'm a pretty freaking lucky girl. Although the journey is not always as easy as it may look, it's definitely worth it. I, like everyone else have my fair share of what seem like shitty days but I do wake up each morning with a smile on my face, knowing how fortunate I am.

I have embarked on a crazy adventure, made new life long friends, met all types of inspiring people, and have a huge gallery of unforgettable memories to look back on (most of which are nudes of Alex) when I'm 90 years old while I reminisce with the boys.

It's been 223 days since my initial Vancouver departure to Taiwan, 23 new countries visited and in my hand is a passport crammed full of beautiful stamps that have now restricted me to continue on to the rest of the trip. I’m 3 countries shy because I made an ultimate rookie mistake and didn’t realize my passport was almost out of pages. Although, spending time in Bali hasn't been so horrible... It's been the perfect place to finish off a big trip. Surfing, Yoga and complaining don't belong in the same sentence. Bali has been nothing but a dream. 

I'm sitting at an airport alone, legs crossed, foot shaking a mile a minute waiting very anxiously for my flight to board where I will have a 24 hour travel day and continue on to the next chapter of my life. I'd like to think I will sleep on my flights but I know excitement will get the best of me.... so 10 romantic comedies it is. I can't wait to walk out of the airport gate and give my dad the biggest hug in the world and then have to wait to hug and kiss my mom because she's at school (I'm so proud of her and her eagerness to always want to learn more). Then I will thank my amazing boyfriend another million times for having the patience to put up with me... I don't know how anyone does it. Someone must be paying him. Then I will step right back into driving my wonderful sister crazy haha.

To summarize the last 8 months of my life in 10 words - A very epic, glorious, life changing, whirlwind of an adventure. 

I will miss Asia and cherish all of my unforgetable experiences. I love my life back in Vancouver and am so excited to get back to shooting, exploring the mountains and getting ready for our next trip to visit 50 countries to Europe in April. To anyone in Vancouver that's looking to have photo's taken, I will be taking bookings as of Nov 20th until April. 

I couldn’t be more grateful for this incredibly opportunity of traveling with Global Degree. We have the most ammmmazing sponsors - Flight Centre, Hostelworld, Monstercat, World Nomads insurance, and of course the Discovery Digital's Seeker Network, Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! for the best year of my life. Michael and Alex I love you boys. I’m so excited to share our experiences with you all. 


See ya 70 lbs of extra weight, you are one thing that will not be missed. Hello high heels! 

"Home is where the heart is."